By ImhotepHello. Are you wondering what this is all about? That would be a fair question! Well, first … to relieve those of you at OT VII and above, we are not disgruntled former members of the Church of Scientology (but then you already knew that). And for the 8 million members (or rather the 6 or 7 thousand of you who actually have official decoder rings), we are not grumpy rednecks with a computer and time on our hands.
And for those of you in the lesser enlightened categories … we’re just a friendly bunch of folks who have been around for a while and have put their collective interest in aberrant behavior together for good (sort of like our buddy, LRH). We are hopeful that we can develop a dialog with members of the Church of Scientology — what better opportunity could you have to share with us (and the world) the hope, assurance, and truth of what you believe … and maybe a demonstration or two of superpowers. The opinions expressed on this site are what we consider to be true for us … but remember – YMMD (your mileage may differ).
We sure hope you enjoy the site — and let’s try to enjoy this as much as Tom Cruise, who said in his now infamous video on Scientology, “It’s a blast!”
It has been said by their detractors, that Scientology is a system of mental health quackery that merely poses as a religion, and is near the top of the list as one of the most nefarious hoaxes ever perpetrated against humankind. As no stranger to controversy, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (March 13, 1911 – January 24, 1986), better known as L. Ron Hubbard, authored a set of ideas about the relationship between the mind, spirit, and body which he called Dianetics. His writings were categorically rejected by the scientific and medical communities of his day, and it is said that he segued his snake oil show of applied religious philosophy into an unscrupulous commercial enterprise called Scientology (complete with a very handy IRS tax exemption).
Hubbard described Dianetics as “an organized science of thought built on definite axioms: statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences”. He also claimed that Dianetics “will invariably cure all psychosomatic ills and human aberrations.” With those words, some have accused Hubbard of topping the 20th Century’s chart of all-time Mumbo Jumbo practitioners. We want to know what’s really going on and that’s why we’re inviting you to the party.
It should be noted that The Church of Scientology defines its “theology” as “the study of truth.” We believe that the “truth” has already been declared, as written in the Gospel of John where Jesus says of Himself … “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” He also says later in that same chapter as he is praying for his disciples … “Sanctify [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] them by the truth; Your word is truth.” Paul the apostle also wrote about the truth … in fact, he makes some very interesting observations about a rejection of God’s truth in 2 Timothy 4:3-4: “For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will accumulate teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear something new. They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths” (or simply put by the Amplified Bible … “And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions.”)
We believe there are fundamental differences between the belief systems of Scientology and Christianity. We also believe those differences are beyond mere philosophical distinctions … they are in diametric opposition to one another. We believe that man has great potential, but only as he is declared righteous through Jesus Christ and free of the unquenchable power of sin (not engrams). Each individual has a “World View” through which they look at life. The lens through which “our” view is focused is the Bible, and we consider it to be THE truth, not merely “a truth.” This is the basis upon which we would like to invite a dialog — to contrast, compare and perhaps even find something we can agree on here and there. So check us out … tell us what you think … make your case … get to the point … have a little fun (a smile now and then won’t hurt). Visit us often and check out the blog pages — use the comments section or just send an email.
Email: d@ng-1.com