SCIENTOLOGY: A HISTORY OF MAN By L. RON HUBBARD Forward This is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion years. This is useful knowledge. With it the bond again see, the lame walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man […]
Archive for the ‘Investigations’ Category
The Church of Scientology … an inseparable blend of Beguiling Fantasy and Covert Hyperbole.
Posted: 16th June 2023 by Imhotep in Completely Absurd, Investigations, Volunteer MinistersHave you ever heard the phrase, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is?” Of course … everyone has. If there was ever an organization that could qualify in the real world to use that as a slogan in a public relations campaign, it is certainly the church of Scientology. From L. […]
In the finest tradition of L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology continues to create “stuff” out of thin air.
Posted: 4th June 2023 by Imhotep in Completely Absurd, Doesn't have their [expletive] together, InvestigationsJános Dobos and Klára Hídvégi, a special feature to appear on ScientologyTV. Woo hoo. SEASON 5, EPISODE 9 | Airing June 7, 2023 János Dobos & Klára Hídvégi János Dobos and Klára Hídvégi are fighting the corruption of the psychiatric industry in Hungary. With thousands of people forced into institutions and often subject to horrific […]
The Shadow of Betrayal: Unmasking the Dark Reign of David Miscavige
Posted: 3rd June 2023 by Imhotep in Artificial Intelligence, David Miscavige, InvestigationsThe book that should absolutely be written… . The author says, “They won’t let me live after this.” [/dropshadowbox] Introduction: In the secret corridors of power, where faith intertwines with manipulation, one name resonates with controversy and secrecy: David Miscavige. This forthcoming book, “The Shadow of Betrayal: Unmasking the Dark Reign of David Miscavige,” uncovers […]
Again, Jeffrey Augustine at “OTVIIIisGrrr8!” hits it out of the park.
Posted: 23rd May 2023 by Imhotep in David Miscavige, Investigations, Jeffrey AugustineTop Secret: US Gov’t Psychological Profile of David Miscavige. Subject “DM” is a WM 5’1′” 118 pounds. Blue eyes, brown hair. Age 63. DM is the sole authoritarian leader of a small and declining radicalized psychoterrorist organization headquartered in Clearwater, Florida. Subject responds to the names “COB” or “Sir” and our operatives must use the […]
Where is David Miscavige? And why is Scientology’s “Grand Poobah” such an elusive character?
Posted: 21st May 2023 by Imhotep in David Miscavige, Investigations, Media CoverageTotally photoshopped from the original by Herbert Rose Barraud, Oxford Street, London. Public Domain version. Grand Poobah from Wikipedia: Grand Poobah is a satirical term derived from the name of the haughty character Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado (1885).[1] In this comic opera, Pooh-Bah holds numerous exalted offices, including “First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Chief […]