Archive for the ‘Operation Snow White’ Category

In the late 1980s Robert Vaughn Young “escaped” from Scientology with his then-wife Stacy Brooks. He was among the highest-level executives ever to defect from the church. Young made a major contribution to Hubbard’s Church until he learned the truth about L. Ron Hubbard and his past. Robert revealed much of this truth after he […]

It’s elementary my dear Watson… It’s pretty simple. American tax codes are wrongly benefiting and empowering the unethical, potentially illegal, and most assuredly uncharitable activities of an organization using “religion” as a cloak. Because churches and other nonprofits enjoy certain tax benefits, the IRS has the right to audit any organization it believes no longer […]

There was no candlelight vigil following her indictment in the notorious Operation Snow White case, which involved the infiltration of government agencies to obtain classified information … a secret program authored by L. Ron Hubbard in 1973. Her husband never issued a public statement of outrage. Perhaps as a rehearsal for the next wife of […]