Have you ever heard the phrase, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is?” Of course … everyone has. If there was ever an organization that could qualify in the real world to use that as a slogan in a public relations campaign, it is certainly the church of Scientology. From L. Ron Hubbard’s bogus military career to his wondering the Mediterranean in search of artifacts to confirm his imaginary “previous lives,” Scientology blends “Beguiling Fantasy” and “Covert Hyperbole” through the imaginary tales on their website and an endless stream of misrepresentations about the church’s involvement in humanitarian efforts around the globe.


Beguile, verb: Deceive, mislead, hoodwink, to
lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness.

And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done?
And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
Genesis 3:13

Fantasy, noun: The faculty or activity of imagining things,
especially things that are impossible or improbable.

(Fantasy in literature is set in an imaginary cosmos, often without
any locations, events, or people from the real world.)

Covert, adjective: Not openly acknowledged or displayed, disguised or concealed.
Hyperbole, noun:
Obvious and intentional exaggeration;
the representation of something in terms that go beyond the facts.
Hyperboles are not comparisons, like similes and metaphors,
but they are extravagant and even ridiculous overstatements
not meant to be taken literally. Generally, everyone is in
on the literary “enhancement.”


In recent years, the Church of Scientology has embarked on a public relations campaign to convince the public that it is a generous provider of humanitarian relief both domestically and overseas. The church has leveraged its vast resources to dominate the news cycle with a slew of press releases, announcements, and social media messages that purport to document how they are partnering with local and international organizations to provide relief efforts in areas struck by natural disasters or political unrest. The organization frequently portrays itself as a prominent force in disaster response and claims to provide extensive relief to affected areas.

The Church of Scientology employs various strategic public relations (PR) tactics to create an illusion of widespread community involvement. They organize high-profile events and actively seek photo opportunities with influential figures, celebrities, and public officials. By doing so, the church attempts to generate positive publicity and associate itself with respected individuals or organizations. However, the depth of their actual involvement and the impact they claim to make often remains questionable.

For example, in 2015, the Church of Scientology claimed that it had provided “critical aid” to the victims of the Nepal earthquake. However, a closer look at the Church’s activities revealed that they had actually provided very little assistance. The Church’s “aid” consisted of a few boxes of bottled water and some tents, which were delivered long after the earthquake had occurred.

Another example is the church’s alleged involvement in the 2017 hurricane relief efforts in Texas. While the church issued a press release describing its extensive role in helping those affected, subsequent media investigations revealed that the church’s involvement consisted of just two trucks of bottled water, which were donated by anonymous sources.

Despite the Church of Scientology’s claims of widespread involvement, the traditional media rarely covers their events.

Two recent Twitter posts are evidence of recent CoS events…

The Absence of Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers in Recent Disaster Relief Efforts.

Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers program has long touted itself as a prominent global force, offering immediate assistance and support during times of dire need. Through their website, they boast of a vast network of partnerships and a reputation as one of the world’s largest independent relief forces. However, as we analyze the absence of any notable disaster response efforts by the Volunteer Ministers since October 2022, questions arise as to why such a seemingly active organization has remained silent during recent times of crisis.

Shift in Priorities:
One possibility for the Volunteer Ministers’ absence from disaster response efforts could be a shift in priorities. Like any organization, the dynamics within Scientology may have changed, leading to a reallocation of resources and attention. It is plausible that they have chosen to focus on other endeavors or initiatives within their community, diverting their efforts away from disaster relief.

Internal Challenges:
Scientology has faced its fair share of controversies and legal battles over the years. It is possible that the organization’s internal struggles or external pressures have hindered its ability to coordinate and mobilize its Volunteer Ministers effectively. These challenges could have contributed to a temporary disruption in their disaster relief activities.

Lack of Visibility:
While the Volunteer Ministers program claims to have been actively engaged in disaster response, their absence from recent high-profile events raises questions about the extent of their involvement. It is possible that their contributions may not be as significant or as widespread as they claim on their website. The lack of media coverage or public acknowledgment could be a contributing factor to their apparent absence.

Google “news” search for “Scientology Volunteer Ministers” for the past month.

–> 6 results.

1. PRESS RELEASE: 4 “Ministers” shown helping with cleanup efforts. The photo caption reads: “Scientology Volunteer Ministers throughout Italy responded to May’s floods to help those affected recover from the devastation.”

–> News search “Scientology volunteer ministers assist with flooding in Italy.” 2 specific results … more Scientology press releases.

2. PRESS RELEASE: Over 170 Scientology Volunteer Ministers Awarded For Life Changing Volunteer Work at the Castle Kyalami in Midrand.

–> The Castle Kyalami in Midrand was purchased in 2008 by the Church of Scientology
–> Google search for “Volunteer Ministers awards celebration held at the Castle Kyalami.” NOT A SINGLE TRADITIONAL MEDIA MENTION.

3 & 4. Same results.

This type of “news” search can be performed for every Volunteer Minister event around the world and in the United States. None of their participation is ever covered by traditional media.

More big happenings in South Africa…

Oh wow … it was “covered” by AP News!

PRESS RELEASE: Paid content from EIN Presswire | Newsmatics
October 19, 2022. Press release content from EIN Presswire | Newsmatics. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.

Surely the Bowling Green Daily News would be all over this!

Disclaimer: This press release content was not created by the Associated Press (AP).

I know I can always depend on The Daily Advance in Elizabeth City, North Carolina for the big stories!

NEWS SOURCE: Church of Scientology International

This press release was issued on behalf of the news source (Church of Scientology International) who is solely responsibile for its accuracy, by Send2Press® Newswire. Information is believed accurate but not guaranteed. Story ID: 90890 APDF-R8.7

Oh look here … the London Socialist Historians has full coverage of this event.

News provided by EINnews.com

October 19, 2022, 09:53 GMT

EIN Presswire’s priority is source transparency. We don’t allow opaque clients and our editors try to be careful not to weed out false and misleading content. As a user, if you see something we missed, please bring it to our attention. Your help is welcome. EIN Presswire, Everyone’s Internet News Presswire™, attempts to define some of the boundaries that are reasonable in today’s world. Please see our editorial guidelines for more information.

Okay … finally a legitimate news outlet. MarketWatch.com! MarketWatch is a website that provides financial information, business news, analysis, and stock market data. Along with The Wall Street Journal and Barron’s, it is a subsidiary of Dow Jones & Company, a property of News Corp.

NEWS SOURCE: Church of Scientology International

This press release was issued on behalf of the news source (Church of Scientology International), who is solely responsible for its accuracy, by Send2Press Newswire. Image, if any, was provided by the news source and not this website or the wire service. Information is believed accurate, as provided by the news source, but is not guaranteed.


For a full accounting of the Scientology Press Release machine, see my post, “Scientology Volunteer Ministers … humanitarian aid, or just a bunch of Press Releases?

Perhaps the best example of Scientology’s “Covert Hyperbole,” or rather outright deception is captured in the screenshot below.

Who can forget this infamous Volunteer Ministers Twitter post from 2017 that featured what an uninformed person might conclude is a YELLOW helicopter owned by the group? Actually, they “appropriated” the neat photo of the MH-60T Jayhawk medium-range recovery helicopter from the United States Coast Guard website. (The matching yellow paint scheme was “convenient.” Wouldn’t you assume the Volunteers have a helicopter?)

Scientology is NOT a church …
it’s nothing more than a
crime syndicate with a
501(c)(3) tax exemption.